In a Vase on Monday: Evergreen


My vase this week is full of greenery from the hedges that border our garden. We didn’t fully clock the meters of hedging when we bought this house or realise what the task of maintaining them would actually entail. Still, it was an excuse for David to buy more power tools. Man-power-tools – it’s a cliche for a reason…

There may be no leaves left on the trees or blooms in the borders but these evergreen hedges continue to provide welcome shelter for local wildlife and some protection from the sea winds for the garden. I cut some stems of holly, yew, Viburnum tinus, holm oak, privet, Escallonia and bay – the whole collection smells aromatic and fresh (a mixture of the strong scent of bay with an underlying ‘green’, leafy smell) and has brought a wonderful whiff of the outdoors inside.

The jug is sitting one of my grandmother’s table runners on top of an auction-bought table, identical to the one my great-grandmother had in her front room. I’ve been feeling rather nostalgic about my female forebears recently. This may be something to do with the fact that I’m involved in an absorbing project which has got me reminiscing. It’s a website for teenage girls that provides information, guidance, reassurance and inspiration – a sort of ‘guide for life’ – and I’ve been thinking a lot about my younger years. Although the project is taking up a considerable amount of my brain space it is a thrill to be involved in it and I can’t wait to tell you all about it when it launches in the new year.

As usual, I’m joining in with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who is showcasing some lovely ornamental grasses this week. I’ll be over to her blog later to have a look at a few more vases.

In other news… I feel that I’m not prepared in the slightest for Christmas but I have bought some cards and advent calendars for the children. I couldn’t resist this gorgeous Angela Harding one for myself. You’re never too old for an advent calendar 🙂


Have a lovely week.


16 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: Evergreen

  1. Your greenery is very cheerful looking. And I think I’ll buy myself an advent calendar. I’ve been tempted the last few times I’ve been in the shops, but then have walked away from them, telling myself I’m too old. 🙂


  2. Yes, the benefits of evergreen hedges like this outweigh the disadvantages of having to cut them – although we left ours for the first couple of u=years to grow naturally until we realised that it grew OUTwards as well as upwards, and now most of it gets cut at least once a year. Hearing you describe your aromatic vase has made me hanker after a bay, so I think that will be on my list for next year once my embargo is over! Thanks for sharing your sharing your vase – and I am intrigued by the website you are involved with and look forward to hearing more


  3. Love the smell of fresh bay leaves. I’ll be waiting eagerly to find out what project you have been working on. Hope it is not too long. Thanks for the advent calendar reminder! x


  4. Your project sounds interesting, as well as engaging, Sam. I laughed at your comment about the hedges – in sympathy! The care required to maintain all the hedges surrounding and inside our property didn’t compute when we purchased our current house either and, although we no longer have any lawn, we employ a “mow and blow” garden service purely to maintain the hedges.


  5. It lovely to have a jug of evergreen foliage to enjoy. The bay tree is huge here, it loves the sea air. Your project sounds very exciting we only have magazines like Jackie or Blue Jeans to turn too! I love your advent calender, I almost bought myself one the other day (it wsn’t as nice as yours!) Sarah x


  6. A great bunch of greenery Sam! I can imagine that lovely scent. I love the idea of you buying yourself an advent calendar. I wonder if our shops have any left.. 🙂


  7. Your hedges sound wonderful, and the pieces look lovely in the vase. The new website sounds like a great idea, I hope it goes well. The advent calendar is so pretty, you have reminded me I must look one out together with a candle. Have a lovely week Sam. CJ xx


  8. A lovely vase of fresh evergreens – I do bet the smell is just wonderful. And I am envious of your advent calendar! And of your hedge-cutting husband. Now, how can I persuade MY husband that cutting the hedge is a fun way to spend his afternoon?


  9. I love evergreen plants, including those that aren’t conifers, and we’re lucky to have quite a few here in the high desert. I really love the way your bouquet looks, very fresh and I bet it smells great. I look forward to hearing about your website project, that sounds really interesting.


  10. I love your photo of the glossy green leaves against the wood and linen and with a glimpse of blue sea. I imagine the bay smells wonderful too. Some years I make a kitchen wreath from herbs, mostly bay, Rosemary and sage, and use it up over Christmas. The new website sounds very interesting, looking forward to reading more.


  11. You have inspired me in several ways in this post, Sam. I’m going to start collecting a few beautiful jugs, pots, vases and old table runners. I only have a few vases, it’s time for some more. And … that advent calendar! We never had advent calendars when I was young, but it was a big part of the holiday season when my children were young. I think I enjoyed them more than the kids. So, this year, darn it, I’m buying one for myself. You are right, you’re never too old.
    I cannot wait to see your website project.


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