In a Vase on Monday: rule breakers

It’s absolutely revolting weather today – I’ve been soaked twice already (pantomime-style, bucket-of-water soakings), the trees are swaying alarmingly in the 50 mph winds, the swell is high and the sea is extremely lively. I’m glad I’m not out there on a boat. Lucky, then, that I ventured into the garden yesterday afternoon, when it was sunny and calm, to see whether there was anything vase-worthy for today. The afternoon light was so golden and soft that I cheated and took the photos yesterday, too!

You would normally expect only two of the flowers in my jam jar to be flowering in January – the hazel catkins and the Viburnum tinus (although this usually flowers in late winter–early spring). The Nigella and Cerinthe major usually flower from late spring into summer; the Ammi visnaga and Hesperantha  in summer/autumn. It’s disconcerting to find these, all apart from the Hesperantha self-seeded plants, flowering now, in mid-January, but we are on the coast and it has been fairly mild, and the usual rules do not apply it seems!

Accompanying them are a few stems of Prunus padus (bird cherry) which I’m going to keep in water to see whether they’ll come into leaf indoors, some rosehips from ‘Boscobel’ which I must have missed in the autumn, a few tendrils of variegated Vinca and a Pelargonium ‘Attar of Roses’ leaf from a huge plant still going strong by the greenhouse.

There is proper wintery weather forecast for later in the week with heavy snow for parts of the UK. The maps don’t show it reaching this corner of the country, though, so who knows what will be flowering next week…

It’s lovely to be joining in again with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her weekly gathering of garden bloggers from around the world. She is showcasing three fragrant winter shrubs. Whatever the weather is like where you are, I hope you’re safe, warm and dry. Have a good week.

Sunrise earlier this week (on a much calmer day).

14 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: rule breakers

  1. I’ve just gotten back into blogging after a year away. What a joy to read your post today and experience your beautiful photos. Here in the central U.S. we have snow and a wind chill of -15 F, so your blooms are very cheering. And all over the U.S. we have utter ugliness and insanity, so any glimpse of beauty is doubly appreciated.


  2. I’m very surprised to see all of that blooming in January, but then again, I don’t know very much about the climate where you live. I love the catkins in your bouquet, that is a really nice touch.


  3. All rules are out the window. You have a very strange collection but welcome I’m sure. Your sunrise looks fantastic and you don’t even have to get up early to see them just now.


  4. The Nigella immediately caught my eye Sam. And the rose hips too. 🙂 Beautiful sunrise. We actually saw the sun for a couple of hours today, but more wind, sleet and snow is on its way.


  5. I don’t consider that rule-breaking, Sam – due to the time difference, I always prepare and photograph my vases on Sunday. It’s too bad I didn’t think of rose hips when I prepared my own vases, as my roses are due for their annual pruning this week.

    I’m glad you got a break from your wintry weather yesterday and hope this week brings more good weather your way. That sunrise photo is stunning!


  6. Our bedroom faces east so we do sometimes see the sunrise but through trees and a couple of houses – at certain times of the year I often see it when I swim though, as the one glass side of the pool faces east and there can be an uninterrupted pink sky whilst I am swimming up and down. What an eclectic collection of blooms you have – definitely worth a close look around our gardens to find unseasonal strays. REading your post made me check our forecast – perhaps light snow showers late afternoon tomorrow 😦 Good to have you back on IAVOM Sam


  7. What a wonderful sunrise. Is this the view from your plot? I am quite jealous. I love the rosehips in this arrangement and I can’t quite believe that you have Hesperantha in flower. How nice to have a garden full of rule breakers.


  8. What a coincidence. I have a Nigella bud on my blog right now, although the photo was taken last spring. I’ve only seen that flower once in my life, so only have the photo of the bud and exactly one each of the pink, blue, and white flowers. It’s such a treat to see yours — really, a delight.


  9. Oh my goodness Sam, I meant to get in touch back last year when it sounded as though you were struggling, but illness and life got in the way, and here we are almost in February before I’m back again. I’m so glad to see that you’ve begun posting again, and impressed to see just how many things you’ve managed to find in your garden in January. Makes me determined to look and see what I can make more of, and what else I should plant.
    And finally, my thanks to you for another year posting on your blog, always interesting, beautiful photos, and a real life (the bits you want to share with us). All good wishes, Deborah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for the late response. Thank you, Deborah, for commenting and your support. I did have a wobble late last year (overwhelm of life) but it was thankfully temporary. I’m glad you are better and busy, and blogging again x


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