In a Vase on Monday: the returning of the light

After a long and hectic working week, I returned home on Friday evening to find a box containing these gorgeous Cornish narcissi – a Christmas gift from a dear friend. They’ve been scenting and cheering the house all weekend, so I thought I’d share them with you; a glimpse of the springtime flowers to come. It’s a sunny day here today, which is so welcome after All That Rain. The ground is sodden and dog walks mean squelching across fields and bring clods of mud home. Lucky that the dog is brown.

With the winter solstice yesterday, and the sunshine today, everything feels lighter and brighter. I know this feeling may be fleeting but the Earth is tilting and the days are lengthening and it won’t be long before the bulbs are flowering in my garden. I noticed tips of potted tulips poking through yesterday and the hellebores have fat flower buds!

I hope all is well with you and that you’re feeling all peace and calm and not the stress and fluster that usually accompanies two days before Christmas Day. I’m going with the flow here. Yes, there is wrapping, food prep, card delivering, room tidying, bed-making, hoovering and all the other stuff to do but I have today and tomorrow off work, my family is home and it’ll all come together in some form or other.

Here’s wishing you the Christmas you wish for yourself. Take it easy and see you in the New Year. With love xx

PS It’s lovely to be able to join in with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her and other bloggers’ Monday vases. Do click on the link to see festive vases from around the world.

18 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: the returning of the light

  1. Sounds like you will have a happy family Christmas and the chance to unwind from 5 day a week at work – well deserved I am sure 😊 My best wishes to you all


    1. Hi Cathy! It’s so long since I last posted a Monday vase that I completely forgot to include the link – sorry. Have amended my post accordingly. Hope you have a lovely Christmas x


  2. That’s a glorious vase of flowers to welcome the solstice, Sam. I look forward to the lengthening days too but also to the rain we’re getting today and again on Christmas – we need every drop. It’s too bad you can’t redirect your excess this way. Best wishes for a merry Christmas!


  3. Also happy to have a brown dog at the moment. And happy to have managed a dog walk in the 45 minutes between heavy showers this morning. The stars are aligned. I’m going with the flow at this end too. As you say, it will all come together somehow. I hope you and yours have a wonderful day. CJ xx


  4. I can almost smell your Christmas narcissi – it is a scent that is familiar and much loved. Wishing you a beautiful Christmas Sam. With love, Christina xx


  5. What a delightful gift. Narcissus and daffodils used to grow wild in abandoned cut flower fields near my Pa’s home in Montara. They were like prolific wildflowers that grew in rows.


      1. Oh, they were. The region is so picturesque anyway. Abandoned flower fields, although not natural made the area around town even prettier. Daffodils were a fad here for naturalizing, but did not work inland from the coast. It actually seems silly to me. We should be trying to naturalize the native California poppies instead. Naturalizing daffodils here makes about as much sense as naturalizing California poppies in the Alps. They sure liked Montara though.


  6. Happy New Year Sam! What lovely photos – and I spy a bit of Angela Harding. Up here it takes a bit longer for the light to return, but I just noticed yesterday that we still had sunset in the sky at 4 o’clock, rather than 3.
    My two young adults have both returned south, so I need all the narcissi help I can get.


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